Slice of developer blogging.

Heya! dev.log is just a place where I write about some of my ideas in tech and design. Occasionally, I might share the odd project.

Being a CS and CogSci student, it really is amazing to see some parallels in technological development whilst I learn human neural processing. I think this is a neat place to share some cool findings I make :P.

DD-III: Tinkering with Topics and Semantics

Thinking about reading, discovery and semantics

DD-I: Experiments with Autograd

Exercises in auto-diffrentation with Rust

Movies and Contrastive Learning

An experiment for its own sake.

On Accessing Infinities

What I think the future of PKM looks like and my goals to build in this space.

The LLM Reasoning Manifesto

Teasing reasoning from LLMs by looking at human executive functions.

The Leamy-Moraes Hypothesis

An exploration into how the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis can be applied to programming languages.